How often you need to pump is different for every mama and can change throughout your EP journey. Read on to learn the tools to help you determine how many...
Using the correct flange size is incredibly important for your comfort while pumping as well as efficient milk removal. A Deeper Look: What are Flanges? Flanges, or breast shields, are...
A let-down is a conditioned reflex in which your body releases or ejects milk from your breasts. A let-down makes milk removal more efficient. A Deeper Look: When your nipple is...
Massage, compression, and hand expression are methods you can use to ensure the most removal of milk from your breasts. A Deeper Look: Hands-on pumping through the use of breast...
Power pumping is a method used to increase milk supply. It can replace a normal pump session or be temporarily added at a time you would not normally pump. A...